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Getting Work Done During This Crazy Week

December 26, 2007

How do you get the most out of this week between Christmas and New Years? Those of us who have small offices and need to hit the ground running on January 2 can’t just sit around and enjoy the ‘time off.’ If we do, we’ll suffer.

If your office was closed on Friday or Monday for the Holiday, and another short week looms, it’s hard to get yourself motivated, let alone anyone on your staff.

One quick way to get things done is to devote short chunks of time throughout each day on what I call “Low Impact Housekeepingâ„¢.” If I notice my mind wandering, I take a 10-15 minute brain break. I get out my timer, set it, and decide that for the next 10 or 15 minutes I will tackle one of the mindless chores lurking in my peripheral vision. When the bell goes off, I get back to my regular work.

For that specific period of time I will [pick one] – straighten my desk, take out the trash in all the rooms, rewrite my checklist for the week, go through the stack of magazines and toss those I don’t need, file miscellaneous paperwork that’s been breeding on the floor near my desk… You get the picture.

Research shows that clutter around us distracts us. During the foggy week between Christmas and New Years we have more than the usual mess: Holiday cards, mental clutter about the tasks left undone or the clients left un-contacted, lists scattered on desks and counters, fruitcakes and half-eaten candy canes.

Work against the clock. See how much you can clean up in that 10 minutes. The adrenaline boost you get will recharge you to complete the more important tasks. When your energy or attention lags later in the day, pull out that timer again.

I’ve been doing this for more than 25 years, both with the house and with my office. It’s amazing how much you can get done in 10 minutes. Parkinson’s law says, “Work expands to fill the time available for its completion.” So don’t give yourself too much time to get the little stuff done.

Despair not. Instead of trying to do large projects all at once over the next ten days, break your projects into smaller pieces. Allow yourself plenty of “Low Impact Housekeepingâ„¢” breaks and you’ll get more done this week than you ever imagined.

Start the new year out right – with a clean desk, cleared floor, and a sense that the week was not wasted.

Happy Holiday Week!


More on Holiday Discombobulation

Beth Terry, CSP, is a Certified Speaking Professional and Trainer. She has authored two books and has several more on the way. With executive level experience in real estate, insurance, and retail, she’s got a handle on managing people in many fields. Contact her through her website or call 877-672-5008.

©2007 Beth Terry Seminars, Inc.

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